Monday, December 10, 2012


now that it's already almost 2 months since jessie made her return to blogoniverse in her new digital home it was so about time i pester her with some questions. leaving lesmads to work for interview magazine's online division we thought our glamourous world of outfitposts and lipstick-reviews had lost her for good.
wonderful to have her back and congratulations to jessie and her zine-team for the supersuccessful launch of this new reader's fave!

what did you miss most about running your own blog?
i especially missed being my own boss, instant and subjective writing and fashion in general!

please tell us a secret about every member of your core team?
 we all love hugo (the drink) - sometimes a little too much.

how do you start your day? any routine before you start working?
my routine at the moment is to do some sports! it's quite new and i don't like it, but you gotta do what you gotta do. afterwards I'm in front of my computer all day long.

who's on your must-meet-and-interview-someday list? 
i would love to interview karl lagerfeld as long as he's still around…

do you think your job increased or decreased your personal craving for pretty items and fancy clothing?
working with the hottest/newest/best looking stuff all the time, it somehow decreased my cravings. i learned to find my own style and to just buy things i really need - whatever "needing" means in fashion.

how do avoid becoming too involved in the fashion world... to keep a sane mind?
 friends/family who do not work in fashion. also, i'm not taking fashion too seriously, i'm always having a humorous view on everything. in the end we're not saving lives here. 

what would be your job if you weren't working in fashion?
 i studied marketing communication, so this would have been the direction!

what do you dream of doing when you're old and grey?
still holding hands with my husband, being in love and happy with who i am.

if you were an animal which one would it be and why? 
 my sister always says I have a dinosaur nose, so this might be a good animal.

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