Friday, November 30, 2012


                                                     RECETTES DE MASQUE
                                                       HYDRATANT : 

Quel type de peau avez-vous ? Avez-vous une peau plutôt sèche, grasse, mixte ou sensible ? Sachez que tout type de peau, qu'elle soit sèche, normale ou grasse nécessite une bonne hydratation.

Pourquoi la peau nécessite-t-elle une bonne hydratation ?

La peau est composée de près de 70% d'eau. L'eau est un élément fondamental qui assure la vitalité, l'élasticité de la peau et la protège d'un vieillissement prématuré.

Boire beaucoup d'eau est-ce suffisant pour hydrater la peau ?

Hélas, non! Boire de grandes quantités d'eau chaque jour ne contribue pas à mieux hydrater la peau.
Selon le Dr J.Conejo-Mir, président de l'académie espagnole de dermatologie et de vénérologie, c'est une erreur de penser que boire suffisamment d'eau chaque jour contribue à bien hydrater la peau. Une étude a révélé qu'une personne dont l'organisme est bien hydraté peut souffrir d'une déshydratation au niveau de la peau.

Recette d'un masque hydratant visage au miel
>> Une pomme
>> Une cuillère à soupe de yaourt
>> Une cuillère à soupe de miel
>> Une cuillère à soupe de farine de germe de blé
Mode opératoire : Coupez la pomme en morceaux et dans une casserole faites-les cuire avec un peu d'eau. Retirez du feu la compote de pommes et laissez refroidir. Ajoutez le yaourt, le miel et la farine de germe de blé. Mélangez bien et appliquez la pâte sur le visage. Laissez agir environ une vingtaine de minutes. Puis lavez le visage avec un savon à la glycérine et beaucoup d"eau froide.

Masque hydratant au miel et au yaourt

Masque hydratant au miel et au yaourt
Masque hydratant proposé dans le cadre du programme hydratation cutanée de Sylvie Hampikian.
Masque hydratant au miel et au yaourt

Masque hydratant au miel et au yaourt
1 cuillère à soupe de yaourt nature doux (de préférence de consistance épaisse)
1 cuillère à café de miel liquide
1 cuillère à café d'huile riche (voir ci-dessus)
½ cuillère à café de glycérine

Avec un petit fouet, incorporez l'huile, puis le miel et la glycérine
Le plus
Ce masque est très complet en termes d'agents hydratants ! Si vous êtes dans le cas de figure A, vous pouvez employer ce masque, mais en employant 2 cuillers à café de yaourt et 2 cuillères à café d'huile.

 -Pour blanchir la peau, la rendre nette, fraiche et douce (effacer les trace de boutons) : Prendre un yaourt nature ou aromatisé, l'étalé sur le visage en faisant le contour des yeux et laisser poser environ 15min. Rincer à l'eau tiède et hydrater avec une crème.


gone but not forgotten - adrienne ames

ca. 1933

photographed by eugene robert richee, 1934

ca. 1933

photographed by alfred cheney johnson

photographed by otto dyar

adrienne ames (3 august, 1907 - 31 may, 1947)

born as adrienne ruth mcclure in fort worth, texas, ames married oilman derward duont truax when she was 16 & he was 19 (or 23 by some accounts). they had a daughter, dorothy j./barbara around 1922. they divorced shortly after. 

she worked in hollywood for a year & a half doing bit & small parts & in 1927 she is a stand-in for pola negri. she heads east to new york to do a film with ben lyon but that fails to materialize.  she stayed & attended columbia university studying literature. 

around 1928/1929 she meets beverly hills millionaire broker stephen m. ames & they marry on 21 august, 1929. they move to beverly hills.  she is photographed by ruth harriet louise & rumor is that paramount gives her a contract with a screen test based on these pictures.  her husband, now a producer, has his close friend bruce cabot escort his wife around town while he is busy.  in 1933 she & ames agree on a trial separation because their work keeps them apart. "the fact that miss ames has been frequently in the company of bruce cabot, screen actor, has nothing to do with the separation," miss ames said & her husband affirms.  ames would go on to marry another beauty - raquel torres.

on 15 september, 1933 she leaves by train for reno to divorce ames & files for divorce there on october 30th. on 31 october, 1933, the day after her divorce, she marries jacques etienne de bujac a.k.a. bruce cabot, at the carlsbad, new mexico home of his mother. they are both 29. they would separate in july of 1935 but would have an on again off again relationship & after being granted an uncontested divorce, they decided not to divorce in 1936. in march of 1937 she filed again citing his unbearable & drunken behavior but once again was persuaded to drop the case by cabot. finally, in april of 1937 they were divorced.

the following year, the couple had to appear together before the united states board of tax appeals. with a war looming in europe & the country still in the throes of the depression, ames attempted to explain a $9.053 wardrobe allowance for her 1934 tax filing (the equivalent of about $146,000 today). she told the federal judge overseeing the proceedings that she had to use her own clothes in "filthy still galleries" long before films went into production. "i must have a maid to hlep change me during the taking of stills," ames said. "it's impossible to hook my dress in the center of my back when i'm in a hurry." furthermore, she explained, each outfit could only be work 3 to a dozen times, depending on its "distinctiveness." she said her daily living expenses, which included hotel, taxis, food, flowers, tips, massages & beauty work, totaled $50 a day while she was in new york & $35 a day when she was in london.

ames went to new york & is seen out with various men.  in 1941 she leaves the film world & becomes a commentator on WHN, a new york city radio station, where she interviews celebrities & hands out beauty advice. in 1947 she dies at her home from cancer at the age of 39. obituaries across the country claim her to be one of the best dressed women in the states.

she really was a beauty....

TEN & co.

lauren williams photographed by adam hribar, styled by leila thurtell & eva mccausland & art directed by priya sanghvi & dan goldstein for TEN & co., lookbook fall/winter 2012.

every pair of TEN & co. shoes is cut from unique vintage & antique hand-woven moroccan rugs & supple leathers. designer tony noll scours rug auctions, souks, marrakech flea markets & the atlas mountains to find strong, colorful rugs & blankets that tell a story in each shoe. handmade in small batches by a cobbler in marrakech, their shoes combine a classic oxford with the vibrant colors & patterns of north africa.

Miss Universe El Salvador 2012's Wardroble & National Costume

oh, hedi - portrait of a defeated architecture palm springs

all photographs by hedi slimane.

the art of overstatement

sojourner morrell photographed & styled by damian foxe for how to spend it, december 2012.