Z pewnością wielu z Was nie poszło dzisiaj do pracy i korzysta z dłuuuugiego weekendu:) Francuzi także postanowili "faire le pont" [dosłownie : robić most] czyli wziąć dzień wolny między weekendem a dniem świątecznym.
faire le pont |
faire le pont |
Lakshmi is the household goddess of most Hindu families, and a favorite of women. Although she is worshipped daily, the festive month of October is Lakshmi's special month. Lakshmi Puja is celebrated on the full moon night of Kojagari Purnima.
Two elephants are often shown standing next to the goddess and spraying water. This denotes that ceaseless effort, in accordance with one's dharma and governed by wisdom and purity, leads to both material and spiritual prosperity.